An introduction to the project with questions and answers around a few topics that may come to mind.

Hi! We’re Okra, an Architecture & Design studio based in South London. We’ve been invited by residents, Merton Council and the Mayor of London to listen to local people of all ages to choose the best options for a new function at the old bus shelter space on South Lodge Avenue.
Here’s some of the initial information to give you an overview of the project. We're really looking forward to working with you over the next few months!
Whats the plan?
The aim of this research is to turn the site into something useful and exciting for Pollards Hill, as well as improving the bus stop area.
Right now, we’re researching Pollards Hill, and would love to hear your stories about living here and your opinions on how it could be improved. You can start to share your opinions with us by completing one of our questionnaires.
We’ll be reaching out in the community over the next few months and are hoping to speak to as many residents as possible, from all ages and backgrounds. We'll also be speaking to key local organisations, businesses and other stakeholders too.
Once we’ve collected your ideas, we’ll look at them in more detail and decide which ones we think are possible for the site.
When it’s safe, we’ll run workshops to test these options so you and other members of the community can decide what will work well here in the long term. We’re also looking for local people to manage the space and we’ll be providing support to Merton to consider future operators and business ideas.
What’s the Timeline?
We’re going to be working over the next year to work out the best use for the space. This is broken down into three phases:
Phase 1 – Spring 2020
Community Engagement & Research
Phase 2 – Summer 2020
Options Development & Public Action Testing
Phase 3 – Autumn 2020
Detailed Design & Strategic Planning
Visit our About page for more info on the phases.
How can I share my thoughts?
To send your thoughts, questions and any ideas for the space, get in touch:
Telephone: 08000487266
Post Mail To: Okra, Kaymet Works, 52 Ossory Road, London, SE1 5AN
Hand Deliveries: look out for a new letterbox, coming soon at the bus shelter
To find out more about the project, enter competitions, find questionnaires and to access local activities, including a free audio walking tour of Pollards Hill (Coming very soon) remember to bookmark and keep checking in at Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to be kept up to date with the latest project info!
Languages Support
As part of our project, we can offer languages based support. If you or someone you know would like a summary of the project in your language please phone the number above or drop us an email.