Our poster installation has just gone up at the bus stop site! This includes information about the project and how to get in touch and also highlights some of the interesting things we've found out about the local area in our research so far.

If you're in the area or passing by the site take a look, we'd love to know what you think! Here is a link to a digital version of the posters if you wanted to see them at home on your own device:
Of course there is so much for us still to learn about Pollards Hill and that's where we need your help. We'd love to hear your thoughts and insights about the site and the local area to inform the projects future. Fill in our survey and tell us more!
There are a number of other ways you can get in touch with us too, available via our contact page. We also installed a letterbox on the building if you wanted to send us any feedback by physical letter. It's just around the corner from the main installation as you can see below:

We think Pollards Hill is an area with a lot of amazing things going on, so we made these posters as a way to start the conversation publicly. Leave us a comment or get in touch and let us know what you think about the local area.