A few photos of the site and its current condition
You will probably recognise the old bus stop facilities site, it’s the building and surrounding land where the current bus stop where eastbound buses depart from South Lodge Avenue (towards Streatham, Balham and New Malden). It is located opposite the New Horizons Community Centre, next to the Co-op Supermarket.
The site is a long thin strip with a building in the middle and two small, underused planted areas at either end. It has a lay-by road running behind, which used to be part of the original bus routes, now used by the residents who live opposite. This road gives the site it’s island shape. The bus stop is located on the west part of the site.
Here’s some photos from our site visit:

Image 1 - View of the site from the high street, looking West along South Lodge Avenue

Image 2 - The View of the site showing the rear lay-by road

Image 3 - The view of the back of the site, looking West

Image 4 - The View of the site looking towards the parade of shops

Image 5 - The Current Bus stop Area

Image 6 - The pavement along the side of the site, looking towards the high street