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Community Forum - 29th March

We're hosting a community forum that is open to all residents of Pollards Hill.

Your input will shape the future of this project, and this will be a great opportunity to let us know your thoughts on the local area.

This online forum will be a chance to:

  • Find out more about the project

  • Meet the team running it

  • Ask questions

  • Share your ideas and suggestions

Key information as follows:

Date: Mon, 29th March 2021

Time: 18:00 – 19:30 GMT (6pm-8pm)

Location: Digital / Online (Zoom)

To register and take part, please sign up via the following link:

Please share this with your friends and neighbours!

If you are having trouble with the link or wanted to ask any questions you can:

Call us (freephone) on 0800 048 7266

Send us an email at:

We're looking forward to speaking with you on the 29th!

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